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What happens if you expose a person to the back of the moon?

What happens if you expose a person to the back of the moon?There is a topic that is easy to misunderstand in this topic.

What happens if you expose a person to the back of the moon?

There is a topic that is easy to misunderstand in this topic. On the back of the moon, the so-called back of the moon is only for the humans on the earth. The real moon has no front and back points, so the cold back of the moon is a false proposition!

What happens if you expose a person to the back of the moon?

1. Is the back of the moon cold?

We must first understand the concept of the tide lock. As the moon is closer to the earth, it has gradually formed a way of reversing towards the earth for a long time in the past, as shown below:

What happens if you expose a person to the back of the moon?

That is, the moon’s rotation period and the revolution period are strictly synchronized, and it seems that only one side of the moon can be seen on the earth! But what we have to understand is that the moon is still spinning in this way, but this rotation is slower, so there will be an alternation of day and night in all positions on the moon!

What happens if you expose a person to the back of the moon?

Please note that there is a white mark indicating the tide lock in the above picture. It is always on the right side of the moon’s line of sight when the moon revolves around the earth, but its area is alternated day and night. How long is this cycle? Probably the moon’s revolution period is 27.32 days! Therefore, there are day and night on the back of the moon. The maximum temperature during the day is 127 ° C, and the lowest at night is -183 ° C!

Second, if a person suddenly appears unprotected on the back of the moon, how would he die?

There are three extreme ways of the moon, white heat, low temperature at night, and no moon on the moon. These three methods will kill people. Which way is the most deadly?

What happens if you expose a person to the back of the moon?

1, high temperature Although 127 °C looks terrible, but it is not always this high temperature, not surrounded by immersed high temperature liquid, so this temperature will not kill people for a moment!

2, low temperature -183 ° is actually similar to high temperature, and the heat dissipation in the vacuum is relatively slow, so the low temperature will not be fatal immediately!

3, vacuum In fact, vacuum has two conditions:

First of all, because we need to breathe, people usually get coma for 3-5 minutes without oxygen. If they are longer, they will suffocate and die!
In addition, the vacuum will cause bodily fluids to boil. This consequence is extremely serious. Most people can suffocate for more than 1 minute, or even longer, and extremes can exceed ten minutes, but in a vacuum, this time may not be noisy for one minute, about 30S-60S. It is coma within, and if it is longer, it may cause irreversible damage!
For a little longer, if it is night, it will gradually freeze. If it is in the daytime, it will cause the sun to burn out. Of course, this process will not be conscious!

What happens if you expose a person to the back of the moon?

What happens if you expose a person to the back of the moon?

Therefore, if someone appears unprotected on the back of the moon, he is neither frozen nor sunburned, nor is it suffocating death, but a horrible loss of pressure!



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